Racial Equity Policy

At Homage2be (H2BE), our policy on racial equity is central to our mission of celebrating and promoting Black excellence. We provide services such as nonprofit technology support, grant writing, cultural event organization, and social content design to empower organizations and amplify Black voices. Every initiative we undertake aims to highlight the rich diversity and profound contributions of the Black community. Our commitment ensures a deeper appreciation and understanding of Black cultural legacy, fostering an inclusive and equitable environment.

Who We Serve

We aim to serve local leaders, residents, and writers with our programs. Our deep connection to this community comes from living and working alongside these individuals. Our programs are designed to empower and support those who are directly invested in documenting and sharing the stories of our community.

Community News and Information

We ensure that our community's news and information needs guide our work by leveraging networking, fact information collaboration sources in real-time, utilizing landing page, social media platforms and subject matter expert guidance. These strategies help us stay connected to the community's priorities and provide accurate, timely information and initiatives. By collaborating closely with local stakeholders, we effectively address and respond to the community's evolving needs.


Racial Equity in Action

High School Writing Service